Thursday, October 1, 2009

hello and week 1

Hi! I'm Marina. Pleased to meet you.

Welcome to my blog about the things I'm making in XIND 105: Product Design 1.

During class 1 we began to wrap our heads around three dimensional spaces and constructed a few simple structures.

Shapes, a bit crushed after an afternoon around town.

Our first assignment let us experiment with the foundational principles of planar construction, as taught by Rowena Reed Kostellow, the influential and seemingly super sassy late foremother of the industrial design program at Pratt.

An afternoon with an x-acto knife and a pile of cardstock later and I had made a couple of exciting paper sculptures. 

Lessons learned - Working with paper was more challenging that I'd anticipated, as was consciously trying to avoid mimicking other forms around me. I created the first sculpture much more deliberately than the second, making measurements and creating multiple iterations to make the cone (kind of) work. But after talking it over in class, and having a little photo-shoot with the pieces in my living room, it seems like the second more spontaneous design was a bit more successful.

On to project 2!